جستجوی این وبلاگ

۱۳۸۹ بهمن ۱۰, یکشنبه

یادداشت پرزیدنت شیمون پرز خطاب به ندا

یادداشتی که پرزیدنت "شیمون پرز" خطاب به "ندا" نوشت و به همراه تندیس کبوتر دوستی‌ و همچنین پیام صلح اسرائیل، در ملاقاتش با کاسپین ماکان، به مردم ایران تقدیم کرد.

آزادیخواه فراموش نشدنی‌ ...
درخششی که از شجاعتتان تا ابد باقی‌ خواهد ماند
شیمون پرز
3 /22 /2010

۱۳۸۹ بهمن ۹, شنبه

اعدامِ گل

هر روز گلی را به جوخهٔ مرگ میکشانند و ما همچنان در سکوتی مرگبار، گویی در انتظار غلبهٔ کامل دشمن و مرگِ همهٔ آگاهان نشسته ایم، آن هم به فرمان آنانی‌ که خود از طراحان یا ناظران اینگونه کشتار ها بوده و هستند.
رهبران حکوکت اسلامی و اصلاح طلبان و پیروان رژیم، باید به خود بیایند و بدانند که سرانجام، دیوار استبداد بر سرشان فرو خواهد ریخت و جز روسیاهی هیچ چیز برایشان باقی نخواهد ماند.
و امروز سکوتِ برخی، بزرگترین خیانت به مردم و میهن است.

به امید سرنگونی رژیم اسلامی با هر طیف و عقیده

کاسپین ماکان

Sarah (Zahra) Bahrami

۱۳۸۹ دی ۲۳, پنجشنبه

A message for women and mothers of Iran from Caspian Makan on the occasion of the passing of prince Alireza Pahlavi

Ever since the Islamic regime lay it's dark shadows on the land of Iran, the seeds of grief were planted in the hearts of all Iranians.With passing of each day they looted our resources one by one.As if many were mesmerized and were even giving away their most basic rights to the rulers. In return they would slowly forget how to smile. It has been more than thirty years that due to all the repression and crimes, and also due to complete incompetency during the war, we have all been hurt one way or another, resulting in tears and agony.Unfortunately throughout all this, the Pahlavi family who are the true servants of the people have met disloyalties and have been forgotten in an unjust silence.Throughout our contemporary history the Pahlavi clan have done the biggest service to our society in order to build a free land, richness in culture and national sovereignty. Although the Islamic regime has done it's best to portray these services as worthless, especially to the young, nevertheless after so many years they have not been able to wipe out the traces of the Pahlavis across the country.Reza Shah the Great and Mohammad-Reza Shah Pahlavi were able to turn the difficulties into miraculous progress in a short period of time. The father and the son tried sincerely to return people who had been beaten back by Arabs and other greedy enemies to their rightful position as proud Iranians. But unfortunately history showed once again that we exchanged this gift of freedom, science, respect and sovereignty with Islam and religion. We have sacrificed ourselves as well as our children in the illusion of a better future. We did not heed the words of Molana Rumi when advised us that the way to progress lies within us not with backwards laws of religion coming out of the minds of the con men. Others thought that the country needed to be destroyed so that their failed ideologies could be implemented.How ruthless we were when we forced out our father who had build this house for us. It didn't take long for his broken heart and teary eyes to succumb to death; A man who loved his country and the children of his country until his last breath.The Descendants of the ShahEach one of us owe it to Queen Farah Pahlavi who has had a big loving effect in the promotion of Iran's cultural position especially towards Iranian women's position in society. She has also witnessed disloyalties toward the Pahlavi family in disbelief in the past years. She took it to heart when Iranian children became victims of war and crimes. The Queen first lost her land and then her princess Leila and now prince Alireza. I must cry. We have all lost him. Have we asked ourselves what has been happening to us where our heritage is looted like this?In many countries even 50 year old historical items are carefully preserved. And I am amazed that we are destroying the remains of thousands of years of monarchy with our own hands.Unfortunately the loss of prince Alireza has delivered another blow to our proud heritage. It's clear that the responsibility for the death of Alireza, just like many other youngsters rests on the shoulders of the despised Islamic regime. Even after being away from Iran for 32 years, his dedication to the country was so intense that we can certainly claim that he died for his country.Prince Alireza was one of the four jewels left of this priceless gem and he left us in solace. His death is a message of awakening for Iranians. Many nationalists and many innocent youngsters in the aftermath of Iran's presidential election last year, including Neda who died bravely with her kind eyes have tried to teach us a lesson: there is no love above the love for one's country.They died and we feel their absence and we really need them. Let us not forget that the dead never need our sympathy.Queen Farah Pahlavi just like all other mourning mothers of our country has lost her son to the Islamic regime. Yet she is still looking up to the young to free the country from the occupiers and criminals.And to our brave girls, women and mothers: you are all God's gift on Earth and you sow good deeds on Earth. Therefore, now at the outset of the anniversary of the removal of Hejab by Reza Shah the Great (an act to promote women's participation in society) I would like to request all those who love the country, especially women and mothers to use the little time that is left to sympathize with Queen Farah Pahlavi who is a symbol of resistance and to rise up.You should all shout for freedom out of respect for the blood of Neda and Ashkan and the beautiful soul of Alireza and all those whose names will be remembered.
These are shouts of bravery.
Long live a free Iran

Caspain Makan
Jan, 5 2011

۱۳۸۹ دی ۱۹, یکشنبه

تسلیت به ملت ایران و ابراز همدردی با بازماندگان قربانیان حادثه هوایی

با کمال تاثر به خاطر مرگ تأسف انگیز نزدیک به هشتاد نفر از هم میهنان که در سانحهٔ سقوط هواپیمای مسافربری، از بین رفتند.

هر روز اخبار ناگوار مرگ انسان از وطن شنیده میشود...!
که اگر تنها اندکی‌ تامل در بررسی‌ دلایل آن کنیم، به سادگی‌ در خواهیم یافت که ریشه اصلی‌ تمام این اتفاقات به لحاظ بی‌ توجهی‌ دستگاه حکومت، نسبت به مردم است...همواره حضورشان جز مرگ و تباهی، هیچ چیز دیگری را به دنبال نداشته است.
و انگار تبهکاران اسلامی تا یک به یک ما رو از بین نبرند، حاضر به کناره گیری نیستند، این ملت هر روز به خاطر بی‌ کفایتی اینان، جان می‌‌سپارند...مرگ بدلیل آلودگی‌ شدید هوا در کلان شهر‌ها از جمله تهران، بیشترین آمار تصادفات جاده‌ای و شهری، سوانح هوایی بی‌ شمار، عدم رسیدگی به موقع به هنگام وقوع بلایای طبیعی، مثل سیل و زلزله، نبود امکانات درمانی، گسترش روز افزون اعتیاد، خصوصا میان جوانان، فقر و گرسنگی، به ویژه در مناطق جنوبی کشور و صد‌ها مورد دیگر... قابل ذکر است که در تمام موارد یاد شده تقریبا رتبه نخست را در جهان به خود اختصاص دادند..! حال این همه رنج و مرگ کافی‌ نیست!؟ که از طرف دیگر قتل، شکنجه، تجاوز، سنگسار، سرکوب، زندان و انواع و اقسام فشار‌های اجتماعی و مجازات‌های ضد انسانی‌ بر سر این مردم مظلوم و رنج کشیده که هر لحظه بیشتر میشود، وارد میسازند..!؟
تنها راه توقف این کشتار ها، اتحاد برای سقوط حکومت اسلامی و برقراری آزادی و سکولاریزم است.
ندایمان در این باره‌ می‌‌گفت؛ در شرایط پیش آماده، همه وظیفه داریم و هر کسی‌ اثری می‌‌گذارد.
دست در دست هم، ایران را آزاد کنیم.

کاسپین ماکان
نوزدهم، دی‌ ۸۹

Photos by Esfandiar Asgharkhani 

To Neda - برای ندا

The secret of love

Once again, my heart is heavy
As if she is still waiting
Love is not about the past nor the future
It has no beginning and no end


Your heart full of kindness, takes over my existence
It was with you when I could taste how it was to become better yet,
My young heart has been perishing since you are gone
With your departure,
A deep scar has decorated my soul
And this burning wound, will always remain with me
What's left from the past is a Spring that looks more like Autumn
I have a deep desire to leave it all
As I will only be truly free when I kiss the face of death...

" Caspian Makan "

برای ندا ...

"راز عشق"

دلم گرفته دوباره

انگار هنوز منتظره

عشق که دیروز و فردایی نداره

آغاز و پایانی نداره

* * *

قلب آکنده از مهرت، سراسر وجودم

طعم بهتر بودن را با تو چشیدم اما

در فراغت، فرسود، دل جوانم

با رفتن تو ، زخم عمیقی به جان نقش بست

که سوزش این زخم، یادگار ماندگار توست

از گذشته خزونی در بهاران پیش رو مانده

اکنون شوق جان سپردن دارم

آنگاه آزادم که بوسه بر سیمای مرگ نهم

" کاسپین ماکان "

جاوید نام علی صارمی

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